Brazilian Psychoanalysis; Lélia González; Yoruba; Public Space.Abstract
This paper is under a letter format, poetic and freely addressed to Lélia González, one of our exponent thinkers of psychoanalysis in Brazil. This is a writing prepared for a transmission, full of orality, to the II Psychoanalysis and Amefricanity Colloquium, stated in Brasília, São Paulo, Recife and Buenos Aires, December 2023 and organized by the Lélia González´s Research and Training Network. The style of the text lends itself to a reading without the intention of deepening, explaining, translating or developing ideas, notions or concepts, as it appears in Yoruba words. It´s written under a Brazilian oral way. This publishing opportunity lies with the exercise of exposing and expanding questions related to collectives of psychoanalysis in public spaces, as is the case of this author, considering the unavoidable crossing from ancestral wisdom and technologies, as well as black authors, women and men, towards a Brazilian psychoanalysis exercise that can be potentially free from the colonial-European kidnapping.
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