Role playing
a didactic possibility based on the contributions of Historical-Cultural Theory
Historical-Cultural Psychology, Guide activity, role play, kindergarten, Human developmentAbstract
This article aims to contribute to historical-cultural and historical-critical theories regarding role-playing as a teaching possibility in kindergarten. Therefore, we will start with a case that includes elements inserted by the authors in order to discuss the educational process in this teaching segment. To this end, the text will rely on the theoretical contribution of Historical-Cultural Psychology, more precisely from authors such as Elkonin, Leontiev, Mukhina and Vygotsky. In this article, we dedicate ourselves to offering a reflection on the didactic intervention in role-playing in a school context. As a result, we will present the organization of a teaching plan that highlights role-playing as a didactic possibility. In this way, alternatives for teaching intervention in the process of playing in kindergarten will be listed as an opportunity to unveil the theme and propose future discussions.
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