


Psychoanalysis; Hospital psychology; Public health; Psychology and Health; Hospital


This study results from the experience of psychoanalysts working in a general hospital in a municipality in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The objective is to reinforce the importance of the analyst's presence in the hospital, presenting examples of a clinic that takes place temporarily. The methodology includes a study of literature relating to psychoanalysis and health but mainly considers the study of cases treated at the hospital. Throughout the text, we differentiate interventions with a rapid psychotherapeutic effect in psychoanalysis from brief psychotherapy, focusing on the first approach as an essential resource, even when we have limited services available. Through psychoanalysis, we conclude that it is possible to touch on what D'Angelo (2008) called the coordinates of the subject's fantasy, articulating this concept to Lacan's (1998) instant of seeing.

Author Biographies

Irene Moura Beteille, Centro Universitário IBMR

PhD from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ);
psychologist at Conde Modesto Leal Municipal Hospital;
psychology professor at Centro Universitário IBMR.

Sonia Alberti, UERJ

Professor at the Institute of Psychology and Procientist at UERJ,
Researcher 1B at CNPq.
Psychoanalyst member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field Forums (A.M.E.).

Aline da Silva Gonçalves, Prefeitura Municipal de São Gonçalo

Graduated in Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ);
Psychologist at the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic of the Dr. Aécio Nanci Polyclinic
and psychologist at the Conde Modesto Leal Municipal Hospital.


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How to Cite

Beteille, I. M., Alberti, S., & Gonçalves, A. da S. (2024). THE FRUITFUL INSTANT OF SEEING: ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE PSYCHOANALYST IN THE HOSPITAL. PLURAL - Journal of Psychology UNESP Bauru, 4, e024p16.