Women; self-care; art; subjectivities; decolonial feminismAbstract
This article is the result of the Master's thesis titled "Dimensions of self-care in the experience of women artists from Baixada Santista" and aims to reflect on the dimensions of self-care established in the connection that each participant creates and narrates with art, unique in their life experiences and subjectivities. Based on theoretical perspectives from decolonial feminism, which discuss art and coloniality, care and capitalism, the authors, as artists and health researchers, address the issue that art still serves the discourse and aesthetic codes ingrained with power hierarchies that perpetuate inequalities in its production, distribution, and access. Therefore, anchored in the urgency of decolonizing knowledge, the study reiterates the power of artistic creation in the lives of women, as through it, it becomes possible to celebrate plurality, open spaces for narratives, care, self-care, and the reinvention of life itself.
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